Sunday, August 3, 2014

Reflections on Module 9 August 3

Sometimes art education doesn't lend itself to collaboration as we try to develop original talents, however there are many facets of the arts that technology can be adapted to: critical thinking, communication, creativity AND collaboration.    As I design and rework old lessons I will apply the SAMR model to my plans  striving for the top levels.  I will allows students to have more voice and choice in the way they demonstrate mastery.  I see technology playing a bigger role in my classes as our corporation moves to a 1 - 1 classrooms over the next year of so.  I also see myself as more of a role model and mentor for other staff members to follow.  I will use what I have learned to to help our staff transition to the digital classroom.  We live in a different world than we grew up in, students in our classes are different,  the required skills students will need to succeed in the 21st century are different, therefore teachers are going to need to learn a different way to teach in this radically different world.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Module 6 June 22

I feel the student will learn by using technology if the educator can model proper technology use in the classroom.  We as teachers need to demonstrate how technology is used as a tool to  solve our problems as educators. Too many educators shy away from the diversity afforded by 21st century technology.  Lesson plans, grades, communications, reports, purchasing, and more are all on line or require some technological interaction.  Let the students see some of this process you need to follow to be successful in your job.  Create meaningful and relevant lesson plans, web pages, web quests, power points, and interactive media to demonstrate to the student how to use the technology professionally.  Teachers that are successful as technology role models can also influence the stakeholders as well.  Mastery can be patterned and the students will pic up on this 21st century skill.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Module 5 June 8

Mod 5 June 8 reflections.   As I stated in my share,  I am in control by using technology we have filter software and teacher control on our lab computers.  But in the broader sense the nature of my curriculum (computer graphics) keeps the students interested and on task.    Of course  I am in control of my class ultimately so I am also in control by authority.  As for the use of Self control I think it can be achieved especially in the  1:1 classroom.  Resources needed will be to have the students buy into the idea of using their pads/phones as educational tools and the need to focus on the task at hand.  

Module 4 May 25

Mod 4 May 25 reflections   When communicating to Parents as  stakeholders of technology integration, teachers and administration should stress first and foremost that these are the  skills that their sons and daughters will be needing to succeed in the 21st century.  Secondly parents need to realize that this is not a fad and  its not going away! Technology in the schools is here to stay and can be a very effective tool for learning, teaching, and communication of student progress and authentication back to these parents. Finally the students will  become a stakeholder in his/her own education because they respond to and learn from technology more than in the traditional classroom.  Students can help demonstrate that the technology is more than just games and social time evidenced in the work they do. 

Module 3 May11

Mod 3 May 11 reflections.  I am torn between  the need for the student to be able to use and manage information that they find  or generate and the artistic act of creativity.  Most students will be creative left to their own or with little outside prodding.  The addition of technology use ads another dimension to creative act.  The new tech skills can be used by the students and teacher to elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their performance.  Including Creative activities in any curriculum is a good way to address higher order thinking skills in the group or individual.   Using the computer to compare works of art in order to refine likes and dislikes can also provide a way to express and or communicate their feelings  in a meaningful way.  The assessment of skills learned could take the form of projects, works of art , or papers responding to the problem presented to the students.  Creativity is tough to measure  unless you take a summative approach.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Philosophy of Education refections.

I have used technology in my art curriculum and has been a part of my educational philosophy from early ed classes at BSU.  As an art teacher to remain viable you just about had to jump on the technology bandwagon as it rolled by in the early 1980s.   Philosophy observations and refections:   My role as an educator is to provide a current and continuous art experience for my students, which can easily be led by their own exploration  and discovery.  Art teachers in the public school systems have a broad area to cover as is evident by standards and sometimes we have to choose what and when this material is provided to the students.  Students can choose when and what they need to suit their own artistic needs.  The arts provide  a unique way to integrate technology into the curriculum.  Technology can also provide the art teacher a way to address Historical cultural and critical aspects as well as the production side of art.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reflections on Module One

 I am very excited to start my Technology Integration 101 on line class.  I hope to use what I learn to expand technology use to other parts of  my curriculum.  My technology expertise is in digital design.       I teach 3 sections in a computer lab using Corel Draw 4X suite.  I have used technology  and provided computer graphics as a class since the day of the Apple IIe and 5inch floppies.  I hope this experience will help me to bring technology to other areas of my art curriculum such as  historical, cultural, critical  aspects of art. I also hope to use technology to generate ideas for student projects and not just copy existing works of art.  I may need advice and help from everyone in how to accomplish this.